Dr Lopez

Medical Director

Ibogaine Specialist

Ibogaine Treatment Coach

Dr. Lopez graduated from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala in 1990. Then he made his post-graduate studies in internal medicine at The General Hospital San Juan de Dios. There he also studied Neurophysiology. He then studied Neurobiology at CIREN in La Habana, Cuba. He also has a specialization in therapeutic narrative from University Rafael Landivar. He returned to the University of San Carlos to receive a specialization in Addictology and to teach Neuro-Anatomy and Psychopharmacology in the psychology department, He is a member of the Guatemalan Society of Biological Psychiatry. He has developed his studies of P.A.W. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, and has had success treating patients with the P.A.W. protocol that he developed. He is currently perusing new studies to understand the neurobiological process related to chemical and affective behavioral addictions, PTSD, and other psychiatric conditions.

Lex Dunlap

After Care Co-Therapyst

Travel Logistics

Ibogaine Treatment Coach

Mission Statement

Since 2008 we have implemented the most advanced approach for addiction treatment in Guatemala.

By using the most breakthrough detox protocols and medications especially IBOGAINE

Our focus is the neuroprotection of the patient´s brain by combining several medications

During the detox process. We help patients to overcome the three major obstacles to start the recovery process:

Fear of enduring the withdrawal symptoms that are attributed to the detox process

Denial related to all chemical addiction and self-destructive behavioral patterns

Fear of relapsing after leaving the clinic

With our treatment protocols, we have had high success rates, especially with IBOGAINE therapy. (78%-82%)

From our point of view, we believe that the human being can be understood through these areas: Ecological Physical Social-Emotional Mental Ethical

We evaluate our patients and pay attention to all these areas before, during and after the treatment. We believe that the better we understand our patient, the more successful the outcome of treatment will be